- +33 877 554 332
- info@website.com
- Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 18:30
It takes two flints to make a fire
Meet our team
Teamwork makes the dream work.

Haji Bashir Ahmed
Health is the source of all happiness and our hope to live. It becomes more important when the very existence is threatened by an invisible disease like
Covid 19.
The stressful time made us all more united and strong to face such challenges. Let this time be passed just as a little pause in the beautiful journey of life and look forward to a more meaningful life. Let’s make the coming time disease free, safe, and healthy for all. I wish you a healthy and happy new year
Managing Director
Naseem Ahmad
Being dedicated to healthcare concerns we are focused on addressing the needs of our customers through efficacious and reliable, Unani, Ayurvedic, and Cosmetic herbal products.
New Shama Laboratories continues as always to meet the needs of the time Our R & D department has successfully developed effective products like VIRYA BAL” for general debility and RAUFLIN” for Hypertension, a new modern factory has been set up at Greater Noida (Kasna) with all modern amenities has started functioning in full capacity.
We are also planning to start our new venture into modern medicines in the coming financial year, this will give us diversity to increase our business domain. We will also set up Healthcare Centers & Mini Clinics in major towns so that therapy reaches patients in a convenient way.
I also take this opportunity to thank our valued Customers, Channel Partners, Employees, and all Business Associates for their continuous support and trust in our company.
The year ahead will bring its own challenges but I am sure by working together keeping the focus on priorities and putting our customers first we can realize our ambitions Let’s start working to be the best company, which looks after the interest of our people clients and partners equally.

G.M. Sales
Rajesh Khosla
Dear Dealers, Retailers, Hakeems, and all esteemed associates and all Co I wish you all a very happy and prosperous New Year 2022.
“To be successful, You have to have your heart in your business, and your business in your heart”
It gives me immense pleasure to announce that New Shama is maintaining a growth rate where I would like to proudly announce that the Cumulative Growth (CGR) of the last 5 years is 100% and this was only possible with the full support leadership of our dynamic M.D. Mr. Naseem Ahmed.
As you all know that the message and vibrations in the market all that New Shama is ranked no-2 in the Unani industry with your support, we hope to overtake the leader very soon. The last 2 years have been very difficult due to Covid Pandemic but I thank my team and all agencies for working against all odds to achieve that desired results.
New Shama is a trendsetter in changing the selling system in the market by offering attractive gift schemes and organizing national and international tours which are appreciated and well-accepted by our trade associates. We are also working on quality controls at all levels, expansion of the Cosmetic division, and expansion in geographical reach. I would like to thank our directors for taking care of all employees during the Pandemic and maintaining policies of increments and incentives.
Real appreciation and thanks go to the field staff, “When the going gets tough, the tough ones get going”
The whole team of New Shama has been living these lines literally everyday cum last 2 years. We never say die spirit and the deep conviction and dedication conviction and dedication towards our company rise above the rest. Together we have been able to happy customers and we will maintain this trend in work has truly made the company rise above the rest. 105 provides the best of services to all our happy customers and future also.
I thank all our business associates and staff members Iron to extend full support in our all endeavors.
Join us
Coming together is a beginning,
staying together is progress, and
working together is success.
“Teamwork is the fuel that propels ordinary individuals to achieve extraordinary results.”