Brain & Nerves Diseases


Blood does not circulate properly in some parts of the brain due to some diseases resulting in weakness of the brain. It happens so on account of some sexual diseases also and due to malnutrition. Quite often, physical and nervous system diseases also lead to the weakness of the brain.
Dryness in the centers of the brain and its related nerves (related to sleep) also causes insomnia. Use of coffee, tea, tobacco, and other intoxicants, mental stress, anxiety, grief, and sorrow lead to sleeplessness.
Purifies brain & stomach from ill secretion, strengthens brain. Removes catarrhal secretions. Punctual use gives help to maintain black state of hair.
Direction: 5 to 10g to be taken at bed time with lukewarm water.

Removes anxiety and palpitation along with vitalizing heart and brain. Enhances the eyesight. Improves memory. Its regular use is beneficial for those who carry through excessive brain-task.
Direction:- 5 to 10g to be taken in the morning on empty stomach or as and when required.
Direction:- Rub on scalp as required.

Khamira Gawzaban Ambari Jawahar wala:-Enfreshens and vitalise heart and brain. Removes mental weakness. Improves memory. It is useful for General physical weakness. 
Direction: 5g to be taken in the morning on empty stomach.
Khamira-e-Gaozaban Sada:-Vitalies brain and heart. Removes absurd thoughts and palpitation.35
Direction: 5 to 10 g to be taken in the morning with water.

Majoon-e-Khadar :- It is a good brain tonic. It strengthen the body and useful for numbness.
Directions: 10 to 15g with water or Arq Badiyan in morning and evening or as directed by the physician.

Memorin Plus Syrup :- Highly effective in lack of concentration, weak memory, forget fullness, freshens and vitalize brain, improves brain fatigue. Alsouseful in mentally disturbed persons.
Directions : 15 to 30ml to be taken two times a day or as directed by the physician.

Memorin Plus Tablet :- Useful in weak memory, lack of concentration, forgetfulness and brain fatigue. It is also useful in general physical weakness.
Directions : 1 to 2 tablets to be taken two times a day or as directed by the physician.

New Shama’s Memorin:-
Useful in weak-memory, lack of concentration, forgetfulness & brain fatigue.
Direction:- 20 g morning & evening.
NEW SHAMA’S Gozban-J-Tab :- Vitalize brain and heart. Removes absurd thought and palpitation. Improves eye sight and memory. It is used for general weakness and rich source of calcium.
Direction: 1 to 2 tablet morning and evening or as directed by the physician.

NEW SHAMA’S Khuddus Tablet :-
It is very useful in the diseases related to brain and nervous system. Purifies the brain and stomach from all unwanted and harmful secretions. Useful in chronic headache and sinusitis. 36Regular use gives help to maintain black hair. It strengthen the intestine and remove constipation also.
Direction : 1 to 2 tablets to be taken two times a day or at bedtime or as directed by the physician.

Roghan Labub-e-Sabaa:-
Induces sleep by removing dryness of brain. It also heals the nasalwounds.
Direction:- Rub on scalp as required.


Patients get unconscious when the fits strike. Hands and legs get strained along with sustaining injury to the tongue between the teeth. Mouth begins foaming. Obstruction emerges due to invasion of air or thick humor in the passage of nerves or ventricles of brain. Injury in any part of the brain causes clotting of blood and brain tumor also causes epilepsy, which is of many types.Kids are easy victims of this disease due to brain injury, intestinal obstruction, hyperpyrexia, whooping cough, measles and other brain diseases. occurs in those children more comparatively who feed on other sources than mother’s breast.

Habb-e-Sara:An effective medicine for epilepsy and infantile epilepsy. Slows down the intensity of epileptic fits.
Directions: 1 to 2 pills in the morning & evening with 5g Khamira Gaozaban Ambari Jadwar Ood Saleeb Wala. Half dose to the children.
Khamira Gawzaban Ambari Jadwar Ood Saleeb Wala:It is useful in epileptic fits, paralysis, facial paralysis, chorea and hysteria.
Direction: 5g to be taken with fresh water in the morning.

Majoon-e- Zabeeb:37It is useful in epilepsy.
Direction: 5g to be taken in the morning with water.
New Shama’s Ood Saleeb Tablet:-Strengthens the vital organ. Useful in epileptic fits, paralysis and hysteria.
Directions: 1 to 2 tablets two times a day or as directed by the physician.


Weakness in the brain, partial brain disease, alteration in the brain blood circulation or the additions of other diseases causing in other parts of the body and the accumulation of catarrhal secretion around the brain.

Habb-e-Ayarij:-It is beneficial for chronic headaches, accumulation of catarrhalsecretion in the brain, epilepsy and other diseases of brain.Direction: After routine cleansing of stomach and intestines (tanqiya) (as advised by the physician) administer 3g of this medicine with 125ml Arq Gaozaban in the third quarter of night and use a purgative after waking up in the morning.

It is used in neuralgic disorders, chronic fever and headache.
Direction:- One pill to be taken in the morning on empty stomach with water.

Itrifal -e-Mulayyan:-
Being a laxative also useful in headache and migraine.
Direction:- 5 to 10 go to be taken at bedtime with lukewarm water.

Itrifal -e-Sanai:-
38Useful in dizziness, Migraine, chronic headache and conspiration. 
Direction:- 5 to 10gm to be taken at bed time with lukewarm water.

Itrifal Zamani:-Being a laxative also useful in headache, cold catarrh, migraine and colic.
Direction:- 5 to 10g to be taken at bed time with lukewarm water.

Raughan-e-Gul:-Useful in headache caused by heat. It is also used meningitis.
Direction: Rub on scalp and forehead.

Removes the heat of brain. Useful in headache caused due to heat and induces sleep.
Direction: Rub on scalp and forehead.

Itrifal Muqawwi Dimag Khas:-
It strengthens the brain and improves eyesight. Useful in chronic cold and headache.
Direction:- 10g to be taken with milk/water at bedtime.


On account of Hemorrhage in brain or thrombosis in meningeal arteries, meningeal blood circulation becomes obstructed resulting in loss of sensation or movement in left or right portion of the body connected to the effected part of the brain and this condition is called paralysis. Cooling object or air effects the neuralgic branches of the face and it becomes deviated from normal face. The patient complains of numbness also and this state of face is called facial paralysis.In the beginning patient feels fatigue and later on leads to trembling in hand which later on transfers to other hand also. It 39takes place quite often among the old and weak persons and this state is called chorea.

Habbe Azaraqi: It is useful in Paralysis, facial paralysis and neuralgic paints. It is also a nervine stimulant and tonic.
Direction:- 1 to 2 pills to be taken with water in the morning and evening.

Majun Azaraqi:-It is useful in paralysis, facial paralysis and chorea.
Direction:- 3 to 5g to be taken with water in the morning after breakfast or both time after meals.

Majun-e-Jograj Gugal:-Beneficial in paralysis, facial paralysis, nerves and brain diseases. It effects on nervous system and besides this it is useful in syphilis and joints pain also.
Direction:- 5g to be taken in the morning and evening with fresh water.

New Shama’s Roghan Kalonji:It is useful in Paralysis, Facial Paralysis and Neuralgic pains specially low back ache.
Direction: Take a sufficient amount of Roghan and apply gently on affected part of the body two times a day or as directed by the physician.


Quite often patient remains distressed, frustrated and hysterical due to the serious deficiencies in the brain centers and nervous system and is subdued by state of insanity, excitement, resentment and anxiety. The patient may carry through any untoward incident in such state of frenzy.

Dawa-Ul-Shifa:-40It is a famous medicine for psychosis, high blood pressure, hysteria and epilepsy.
Direction:- Half or one tablet to be taken at bed time with water.

Majoon-e-Najah:-It is extremely, useful in melancholia and diseases arising due to emplacement of black humour.
Direction:- 5 to 10g to be taken at bed time water.

Qurs Rahat:-It is beneficial in psychosis, epilepsy, hysteria and high blood pressure like complaints.
Direction:- 1 to 2 tablets to be taken with water in the morning and evening.

Sharbat Ahmad Shahi:-It is useful in melancholia and diseases of brain.
Direction: 20ml of this syrup to be taken with 125ml of Arq Gaozaban.


xcessive sun rays, heat and hot air act on human body during summer leading to rise in body temperature, high fever, headache, pain in hands & legs and cramps. Sometimes it creates drowsiness also. Owing to excessive fever, body lacks fluids resulting in acute thirst and palpitation, these complaints may affect kidneys, too.

Raughan-e-Kaddu Shireen :- It relieves headache caused due to intensity of heat, has soothing effect on head and induced sleep.
Directions:- 8 to 10 drops to be applied on the scalp and fore head and massage gently or as directed by the physician.

Sharbat Amla:-It nourishes & vitalizes the body by removing vitamin “C” deficiency. Useful in thirst & palpitation.41
Directions:- 25ml with water.

Sharbat -e-Anar Shireen:-It soothes thirst, Imparts pleasing effect on heart. Checks diarrhoea. Vitalizes heart and liver.
Directions:- 20 to 50ml to be taken mixed in water.

Sharbat -e-Sandal:-Useful in headache caused due to the intensity of heat. It is anexhilarant and a cardiac tonic.
Directions:- 25 to 50ml to be taken mixed in water.

Sharbat-e-Nilofar:-Beneficial in sunstroke and intensity of thirst. Brings soothing relief to heart. It reduces the excessive bile.
Directions:- 25 to 50ml to be taken mixed in water.


Trauma on sciatic nerve, trauma on upper part of thigh or hip, severe jerk to the beck resulting in Jerk of lumbar vertebrae and compression on sciatic nerve causes sciatic pain.Being so, pain spreads over the area of sciatic nerve and its terminating branches and reflectively over the adjacent areas and makes it difficult for the patient to stand or walk.

These pills are useful in sciatic pain, arthritis (pains of joints), and backache. It is also useful in phlegmatic and gastric problems.
Direction:- 1 to 2 pills to be taken with water in the morning and evening.

Habb-e-Suranjan:-These pills are useful in sciatic and joints pain. Direction:- 1 to 2 pills to be taken in the morning and evening with water


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