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June 24, 2023

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General Debility

(A) FEVER Fever, in itself, is not a disease but rather a signal of an underlying health issue within the


Diseases Skin & Veneral Diseases

(A) BOILS AND SCABIES Due to unhygienic conditions, negligence in routine diet, and local infections, boils and scabies may arise,


Children’s Diseases

Habb-e-Narkachoor Useful in dyspepsia, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea in children. Directions: 1 tablet two times a day or as


Diseases of The Female

(A) ATONY OF UTERUS Uterine inflammation, prolonged leucorrhoea, irregular menstruation, fibroids, and malnutrition contribute to uterine weakness. Patients may struggle


Male Sexual Diseases

(A) NOCTURNAL EMISSION, SPERMATORRHOEA AND PREMATURE EJACULATION Indecent thoughts, a habit of masturbation, indigestion, intestinal worms, and low semen density


Joints Disease

(A) ARTHRITIS This disease comes into existence due to ancestral impact and diseases of throat, which causes more trouble during winter


Glands Disease

The gland is an organ responsible for producing and releasing hormones that perform specific functions in our body. Both Endocrine


Urinary System Diseases

(A) BURNING MICTURITION In cases of gonorrhea or (U.T.I.), following the excretion of stone fragments and inflammation of the urethra


Liver and Gall Bladder Diseases

(A) CHOLECYSTITIS & GALL BLADDER STONE Inflammation in the gall bladder leads to inflammation and narrowing of the common bile


Intestines Diseases

(A) CONSTIPATION Carelessness in diet, insufficient chewing of food, inclusion of constipating items in the regular diet, and weakened intestinal