Intestines Diseases


Carelessness in diet, insufficient chewing of food, inclusion of constipating items in the regular diet, and weakened intestinal peristaltic movements contribute to constipation. Prolonged bed rest due to illness or old age can also lead to constipation, causing the large intestine (colon) to become dry and obstructed by fecal masses, preventing proper evacuation. This condition may result in symptoms such as headache, anorexia, abdominal discomfort, hernia, spermatorrhea, disorders of the prostate gland, and piles. Persistent constipation can be particularly harmful to individuals with cardiac diseases and hypertension.

Dekabz Powder: Our sedentary lifestyle and the consumption of non-fibrous diets weaken intestinal movements, causing constipation. D-Kabz lubricates the internal structure of the intestine, strengthens internal movements, and facilitates easier stool passage. Directions: Take 1 teaspoon at bedtime after 3 hours of dinner with lukewarm water or as directed by the physician.

Dekabz Tablet: Highly effective in alleviating acute or chronic constipation. Higher doses may have purgative effects. Directions: Take 1 to 2 tablets with lukewarm water at bedtime or as directed by the physician.

Jawarish Kamuni Mushil: Useful in gastric troubles, stomach disorders, and constipation. Directions: Take 5g with fresh water as required.

Majun-e-Injeer: Very useful in chronic constipation. Directions: Take 20 to 30ml with water in the morning and evening. Useful for removing constipation associated with cold, catarrh, conjunctivitis, nasal pain, and earache, etc. Directions: Take 2-3 tablets with water at bedtime.

Roghan Arandi: A harmless laxative and purgative. Small quantities cause a laxative effect, while slightly larger quantities cause a purgative effect. Directions: Take 20-40ml mixed in 250ml lukewarm milk.

Sharbat Arzani: Apart from being useful in cold, catarrh, and cough, it removes constipation and acts as a laxative. Directions: Take 25ml mixed in 125g of Arq Gaozaban.

Sharbat-e-Anjeer: Very useful in chronic constipation. Directions: Take 25ml with water. Note: In addition to the mentioned medicines, Roghan Badam Shirin, Habbe Papita, Habbe Tinkar, Khamira Banafsha, Jawarish Kamuni Kabir, Jawarish Ud Mulayyan, Itrifal Zamani, Itrifal Sanai, and Itrifal Mulayyan are also useful.


The use of contaminated water and food, disorders of the liver and stomach, teething in children, intestinal worms, and adverse weather conditions can lead to diarrhea and dysentery. Ignoring hygienic practices is also a significant factor in the occurrence of these diseases. Symptoms include abdominal pain, tenesmus, frequent passage of stool with mucus or blood. Dysentery can be classified into two types: Zaheer-e-Sadiq (Amoebic dysentery) and Zaheer-e-Kazib (Bacillary dysentery). Zaheer-e-Sadiq presents with mucous in the stool, while Zaheer-e-Kazib involves the passage of blood with stool. Frequent loose motions can lead to a loss of vital fluids, posing a threat to life. It is crucial to address the risk of dehydration, especially in summer and rainy seasons.

Habb-e-Pechish: Useful in all kinds of dysentery, stomachache, and tenesmus. Checks blood in dysentery. Directions: Take one pill with Arq Gulab or fresh water in the morning and evening.

Habb-e-Raal: Useful in stomach and intestinal ulceration, relieves dysentery as well. Directions: Take one pill with fresh water after meals.

Habb-e-Sumaq: Checks diarrhea caused due to stomach and intestinal weakness. Strengthens the stomach. Directions: Take 1-1 pill in the morning and evening with fresh water.

Jawarish-e-Mastagi: Useful in polyurea and diarrhea. Absorbs harmful secretions of the stomach. Also beneficial in excessive salivation. Directions: Take 6g with 125ml Arq Badiyan.

Majun Sangdana Murgh: Useful in dyspepsia and diarrhea caused by the weakness of the stomach and intestines. Directions: Take 5-5g with fresh water in the morning and evening.

Noshdaru: Checks diarrhea, improves digestion, and strengthens the stomach & intestines. Directions: Take 5-5g with fresh water in the morning and evening.

Qurs-e-Zaheer: Highly effective in dysentery and weakness of the stomach. Directions: Take 2 tablets two times a day with water or as directed by the physician.

Sharbat Habbul Aas: Useful in all types of diarrhea and bacillary dysentery. Relieves tenesmus. Directions: Take 20 to 30ml with water in the morning and evening.

Sufoof-e-Muqliyasa: Useful in chronic diarrhea and dysentery. Reduces stomachache and tenesmus. Useful in non-bleeding piles as well. Direction: Take 5-5g with fresh water in the morning and evening.


Failure to follow hygienic practices, such as drinking contaminated water, consuming unwashed vegetables and fruits, and neglecting hand hygiene, can lead to intestinal worms, known as intestinal parasites. Various types of worms, including threadworms, pinworms, roundworms, and tapeworms, may be observed in feces. These parasites typically inhabit the small intestine and cecum, returning to the stomach from the small intestine and excreting during vomiting. In females, these parasites may travel from the anus to the vagina, causing vaginal diseases.

Itrifal-e-Deedan: Excretes intestinal worms in feces. Directions: Take 5g with water at bedtime.

Qurs Deedan Jadeed: Excretes intestinal worms in feces. Directions: Take one tablet at bedtime with water or as directed by the physician.


Complications arising from chronic constipation or prolonged dysentery can lead to piles, which are of two types: non-bleeding piles and bleeding piles (hemorrhoids). Non-bleeding piles cause pain without bleeding, while bleeding piles involve blood after evacuation or mixed with stool. Piles result from inflamed blood vessels in the rectum, and when these become more inflamed, they may prolapse from the rectum, causing discomfort, pain, and irritation in the rectum and anus. Fistula is a type of ulceration with two openings, one in the rectum and one outside the rectum. The rectal opening receives fecal matter, leading to repeated infection of the fistula. Foul-smelling secretions often flow from the fistula, causing pain and hindering normal sitting or standing.

Habbe Rasaut: Useful in hemorrhoids, checks bleeding. Directions: Take 2 pills with fresh water in the morning and evening.

Habb-e-Bawaseer Badi: Useful in flatulent piles and removes constipation. Directions: Take 1 to 2 pills with water two times a day or as directed by the physician.

Habb-e-Bawaseer Khooni: Checks bleeding in hemorrhoids, extremely useful in bleeding piles. Directions: Take 1 to 2 pills two times a day or as directed by the physician.

Habb-e-Muqil: Useful in non-bleeding piles. Directions: Take 2 pills with fresh water at bedtime.

Itrifal-e-Muqil: Extremely useful in non-bleeding piles and constipation. Directions: Take 5g with lukewarm water at bedtime.

Majoon-e-Muqil: Extremely useful in non-bleeding piles and constipation. Directions: Take 5g with lukewarm water at bedtime.

Majun Muqil: Useful in both non-bleeding piles and hemorrhoids. Directions: Take 5g with fresh water at bedtime.

Pilocure Ointment: Useful in non-bleeding and bleeding piles. Regular use reduces inflammatory conditions of the rectum. Directions: Apply with an applicator before and after defecation or as directed by the physician.

Pilocure Tablet: Extremely useful in non-bleeding and bleeding piles. These tablets stop bleeding and reduce the inflammatory condition of the anal canal, providing relief in discomfort and preventing infections. Directions: Take 2 tablets at bedtime with lukewarm water or as directed by the physician.

Qurs Bandish Khoon: Stops spitting of blood, bleeding through the nose, urinary bleeding, excess bleeding during menses, and bleeding from any other part of the body. Directions: Take in the morning and evening with milk.


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